Making Lives Infinitely Better
Wagging Hearts prides itself on saving ALL types of lives…healthy, sick, young, old, injured, deformed or debilitated. We wear blinders that allow us to see beyond the immediate and critical needs toward the beautiful future that exists beyond this moment. We move heaven and earth to right the wrongs that have ventured into the lives of our rescue animals. Quality of life being ever present while intermixing with the delicate harmony of each potential future. We save, heal and rehabilitate with love and tenderness. Occasionally the medical needs are great and heavy. We are experiencing an increased amount of medical visits stemming from a hoarding case in Kentucky. Wagging Hearts provided crucial assistance during this urgent situation by organizing a life-saving transport which partnered with other rescues to saves as many lives as possible. The medical cases we personally incurred have grown as many of the animals arrived with infected wounds and full-term pregnancies. These new lives are layered on top of existing medical cases, so we are asking for any assistance you may be able to provide. Perhaps you could donate a few dollars? Organize a mini-fundraising drive for items on our Wagging Hearts Wish List? Participate in our existing medical fundraiser? We appreciate the vital support you provide which allows us to not only save lives but make these lives infinitely better. Thank you for your help and don’t forget to sign up for our NEW Wagging Hearts Community Connection newsletter which will provide monthly updates on our medical success stories as well as much, much more.